Are you passionate about historical photographic techniques?
This online forum, led by one of America’s foremost authorities on Alternative Processes, is designed for practitioners at all levels who are looking to refine their skills, solve challenges, and exchange ideas with like-minded artists.
The class offers personalised feedback on your images and guidance to troubleshoot any issues you’ve encountered while creating your work. It’s also a collaborative space where practitioners share tips, discuss techniques, and inspire one another to explore new creative directions.
The class meetings are in Zoom on Fridays, from
19:00 - 21:00 (CET) / 1PM to 3PM (EST). The Spring forum runs from January to May, and include 6 meetings.
Day: Friday
Dates: Jan 31, Feb 21, March 21, April 11, May 2, May 30.
Time: 19:00 - 21:00 (CET)/ 1PM - 3PM (EST)
Place: Zoom - invitation will be sent to your e-mail
Levels: All levels
Language: English
Max participants: 8
What to Expect:
• Tailored Feedback: Receive constructive advice on your work and practical solutions to technical challenges.
• Interactive Lectures: Explore key topics in Alternative Processes, including Wet Plate Collodion, Cyanotype, Albumen, Platinum, Palladium, Kallitype, toning, combining techniques, hand tinting, and more. You can also request a topic.
• Presentations of different artist working with Alternative Process as inspiration to the group. For each class you should work on perfecting your chosen process.
For each meeting participants upload the images they have been working on in their chosen technique. Some participants will focus on perfecting one technique, while others will try different techniques. Often participants inspire each other to try new techniques, or you might be working on similar techniques and use the class to share experiences. It is a forum where practitioners of different techniques meet to share their experiences under the guidance of our Alternative Process Master Jill Enfield.
There will be given short lectures presenting different topics within Alternative Processes. In this participants can come with requests, within the scope of Wet Plate Collodion, Cyanotype, Albumen, Platinum, Palladium, Kallitype, toning, using different processes together, hand tinting, creating negatives for the different processes etc. The lectures are not ment as a complete courses, but as a short demo to give the group a better understanding of what is entailed in the process presented. It is also ment to inspire the participants to try out different directions, or expand on the process they are using.
For each class you should work on perfecting your chosen processes, and upload your best work to our dropbox, for feedback. Negatives that you want to show Jill, should be sent to her e-mail directly via Wee-transfer. You will be invited into a shared dropbox folder, where you can upload images for critique.
Jill is considered one of Americas leading authority in Alternative Photographic Processes, and has written 3 books on the subject.
Read more about Jill Enfield on our faculty page.
See more of Jill Enfield's work on her website.
TUITION: NOK 7.600,-
​The amount is listed in Norwegian Kroner.
Norwegian participant:
we will send an invoice to your e-mail.
International students:
You have 3 option of payment - please list your preferred payment method when registering for a class:
CREDIT CARD: you can make a payment directly from our website. There is a transaction fee (3 to 4 %) charged by Stripe that will be added to the tuition.
PAY PAL: For PayPal payments there is a handling fee of 6 % of the amount that will be added to the invoice.
INTERNATIONAL BANK TRANSFER: For bank transfer there is a transaction fee. Check with your bank for the amount, and make sure the transaction fee is not deducted from the payment for the class.
Await payment until you have received a confirmation of your seat and an invoice from NORD-photography.
We need a min. of 4 participants to run the course.
with Jill Enfield ​​
Period: Jan. 31 - May 30

Withdrawal and refund policy:
Enrollment is limited in our classes, so once you have registered for a class – we are counting on you to attend. The registration is binding. We do however understand that sometimes plans fall trough and offer the following cancellation policies:
Withdraw more than 30 days before the start of class and we will refund all monies paid, minus an administration fee of NOK 1500,-. Withdraw 30 days or less before the start of class and we will charge you with the full workshop tuition.
NORDphotography is not responsible for cancellations due to medical emergencies.
Cancelation Rules:
For online course to run we need a minimum of five participants, unless otherwise noted in the class description. If we for some reason are not able to reach our minimum number, the class will be canceled and you will receive a full refund.
There will be a maximum of 10 students in each class, unless otherwise noted in the workshop description.